The traditional coaching model is broken. It’s a slow, contrived, check-the-box formality. Micro-coaching, on the other hand, is the practice of engaging in frequent, brief, targeted, in-workflow coaching conversations.
Micro-coaching sessions are bite-sized, short burst encounters that typically last between one and 10 minutes. They’re not scheduled, scripted, or forced. Instead, they’re timely, informal touch-points that take place at the moment of need.
1. Lead themselves, their teams, and their organizations through successful change by applying (1) a change roadmap, (2) tactical tools, and (3) critical behaviors and skills.
2. Help individual employees manage the personal transition of change, overcome resistance, and support change out of commitment rather than compliance.
3. Increase individual, team, and organizational agility and respond to adaptive challenges in the context of a dynamic environment.
Managers at all levels, including both intact and cross-functional teams. Individual contributors are charged to lead change through influence and without positional power.
-- One-day course delivered on-site
-- Customized virtual delivery
• Modeling & coaching
• The power of one-on-one
• Traditional coaching vs. micro-coaching analysis
• Coaches, not bosses
• Demand for micro-coaching
• The coaching continuum: tell-to-ask
• The accountability continuum: task-to-process-to-outcome
• Coaching behavior matrix
• Top three accountability mistakes
• Coaching & accountability skills assessment
• Coaching derailers
• Round 1: Coaching plan
• Round 2: Derailer
• B.I.G. coaching model
• Round 3: Least coachable person
• Round 4: Listening & questioning
• Round 5: Micro-coaching rounds
• The culture formation hypothesis
• The anatomy of culture
• Creating your 333 plan
-- Smart Card deck of key concepts, tools
-- Coaching & accountability skills assessment
-- 333 plan assessment
Pricing is based on a per participant license plus training facilitation