Discover the top 7 misconceptions surrounding psychological safety and what to do about them.
If you want to implement a psychological safety initiative in your organization, you'll need to explain what psychological safety isn't. Why? Because your culture won't change unless it's built on a shared understanding.
Psychological safety isn’t artificial niceness or a lack of accountability. Unless you clarify, stakeholders might think it’s a gimmick or dismiss it because of the baggage of the implied definition of the term. They'll need to know what psychological safety isn’t, along with what it is.
On this week's episode of The Leader Factor, hosts Tim and Junior share the top 7 misconceptions surrounding psychological safety and what to do about them.
Episode Chapters
(00:45) Start
(03:53) Psychological safety isn't a shield from accountability.
(05:06) Psychological safety isn't niceness.
(06:30) Psychological safety isn't coddling.
(07:55) Psychological safety isn't consensus decision-making.
(09:45) Psychological safety isn't unearned autonomy.
(13:28) Psychological safety isn't political correctness.
(14:30) Psychological safety isn't rhetorical reassurance.
(16:26) Identifying The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety
Transcript coming soon.
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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
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