Consider this: We include naturally in childhood and exclude unnaturally in adulthood. Why?
Exclusionary behavior is learned behavior, the result of bias acquired through socialization. That bias may be conscious or unconscious.
Exclusionary policy is the result of bias acquired through socialization, which is then translated and embedded into policies, procedures, structures, systems, and processes.
Over time, exclusionary policy may become normalized in the culture. When new members of an organization encounter embedded exclusionary policy, they often adopt and perpetuate it rather than challenge and change it. Why? Because the carried risk of challenging the status quo puts them personally at risk.
How, then, do you root out exclusionary bias, behavior, and policy?
The answer is simple but not easy: Normalize the practice of challenging the status quo. Model and reward the practice consistently until you significantly reduce the carried risk of engaging in the practice. When you do, you eventually create enough psychological safety to be able to identify and remove exclusionary bias, behavior, and policy based on fair and objective analysis.
Lead as if you have no power. We are being asked to lead in increasingly-dynamic environments. Those who chase innovation will lead as if they have no power. Otherwise, your competitive advantage will expire faster than your adaptive capacity can keep pace.
Today, teams are built differently. Remote work has changed the way we interact and connect with our colleagues. While team-building activities and personal moments can easily slip through the cracks of your living room couch, valuable connection isn’t off the table. With intentional effort, your remote team can feel just as connected as an in-office team. Here are some LeaderFactor tried-and-true methods of remote connection:
Imposter syndrome. The all-too-common feeling of inadequacy that makes you doubt your successes and achievements. It occurs outside of the comfort zone and triggers a fear of exclusion that motivates you to work harder than necessary to prove your worth.