

How to Connect with a Person Not Like You

Did you know that connecting with another person satisfies the deepest longings of the human heart? Yes, but how do you connect with someone not like you? Remember, the way we see another person affects the way we value that person. Often, if you know little about another person, you care even less. And if you perceive that a person is not like you, you may not be motivated to connect with them.

Connecting with someone like you is easy. We call this homophily. It means we bond with people that are like us because we share common characteristics. It comes more naturally. But how do we connect with someone who is very different from you? You use psychological safety and engage in bridging behavior.

Here’s how:

Step 1.

Pick three differences between you and the other person.

Step 2.

Explore each difference with compassionate curiosity and then find connections between each of those differences.

Step 3.

Express appreciation for the person, the differences, and the connections you have made.

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