
Do You Work for Money or for Meaning?

Most people have to work for money. That’s life. But when it becomes your sole focus, you may find that your aspirations get sucked into a vortex of acquisition, consumption, and presentation. This modern version of indentured servitude is quite powerful. Working for meaning, on the other hand, releases you to deeper joys and fulfillment.

Work for Money:

- Optimize For Profit

- Focus on Numbers

- Short-term Perspective

- Loyalty to Self

- Consumption Orientation

- Extrinsic Motivation

- Impressing Others

Work for Meaning:

- Optimize For Impact

- Focus on People

- Long-term Perspective

- Loyalty to Cause

- Contribution Orientation

- Intrinsic Motivation

- Blessing Others



Date Published

April 22, 2022