

5 Ways to Create Psychologically Safe Meetings for Introverts:

1. Distribute meeting agendas, topics, and materials in advance:

Introverts are incubators. They need time to absorb and reflect on questions, problems, and information. They need to know that there is psychological safety in the room.

2. Create air space for introverts to ask and answer questions.

Introverts tend not to process verbally while extroverts relish thinking out loud. Contain the extroverts, especially those who lack self-awareness.

3. Don’t force a public response.

Introverts like to crystallize their thinking before making it public. While extroverts see their comments as raggedy raw material, introverts see theirs as refined finished goods. Yes, ask them what they think, but don’t force a point of view. That often comes later.

4. Avoid impromptu meetings and improv sessions as a pattern.

There are times when a spontaneous and agendless meeting makes sense, just don’t make it a habit. When you need an impromptu meeting, be careful not to marginalize your introverts by lavishing praise and recognition on those who shine in that setting.

5. Hold shorter meetings.

Introverts tend to become emotionally fatigued before they become intellectually fatigued. In marathon meetings, extroverts often gain energy while introverts lose steam.

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