The 4 Stages™

Psychological Safety Book Club

Read The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety™ with a guided, resource-enhanced program for you and your teams. You’ll learn the ins and outs of psychological safety straight from the source.

Join Us on May 23rd, 2023!

The book club has started! Join us for our live Q&A with author of The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety Dr. Timothy R. Clark.

Three years ago, author Timothy R. Clark published his book, The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety: Defining the Path to Inclusion and Innovation. To celebrate, we’re creating a space to get your hands on a copy and read it with us.

Available in Multiple Languages

How it Works

Once you sign up, you’ll follow a 6-week schedule with a supplemental cadence of:

  • Summary videos
  • Digital and audio snippets
  • Downloadable resources
  • Discussion questions
  • Weekly discussion groups
  • And a few more surprises along the way

Meet the Author

Timothy R. Clark is the founder and CEO of LeaderFactor, a global consulting, training, and assessment organization focusing on leadership, culture, and change. Dr. Clark is an international authority in psychological safety & innovation, large-scale change & transformation, and senior leadership development. He has personally worked with more than 200 executive teams around the world.

With a PhD in social science from Oxford University, Dr. Clark is the author of five books, including his best-seller, The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety: Defining the Path to Inclusion and Innovation. He has also written more than 200 articles in publications such as the Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and Fast Company. His mantra to leaders is, "Lead as if you have no power."

— why do people love this book?

Here's what readers are saying.

“This book challenges the status quo”

"Safety, commitment and engagement are subjective topics, difficult to measure and can be the cause of lack of results and turnovers. This book challenges the status quo, revolutionizes leadership perspective and can transform companies and the way they engage with people so they can safely do their best."

anna artigas photo
Ana Artigas
Brazilian Neuropsychologist

“Powerful call to action”

"As a person responsible for the development of employees in 65 countries, I can tell you that this book outlines a must-have culture. A safe space is table stakes for any organization looking to attract and retain talent and innovate from every chair. A powerful call to action."

simone ciafardini photo
Simone Ciafardini
VP Clinique Global Education

“Breakthroughs in every relationship of your life”

"This is not just a book, it is an urgent invitation to the kind of rigorous self-examination that will lead to breakthroughs in every relationship of your life. Timothy Clark offers us both a case for a path to creating the kind of healthy social systems that all of us crave and that modern corporate flourishing demands."

joseph grenny photo
Joseph Grenny
Co-author Crucial Conversations

“Can't be ignored.”

"The 4 Stages framework is exceptionally insightful and perfectly logical. With the ongoing diversification of the workplace, Clark's defined path to inclusion and innovation can't be ignored. This book showed me how to improve my performance as both a team member and leader. The analysis and recommendations are insightful and inspiring."

martin shell photo
Martin Shell
VP at Stanford University

“Insightful and inspiring.”

"Clarks's writing ideas and concepts are insightful; questions inspiring; and images and stories captivating. His work helps leaders create, employees experience, and all of us receive psychological safety to create a better future."

david ulrich photo
Dave Ulrich
Ross School of Business University of Michigan